Julie Vaughn of Hurst went to be with her lord Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:06 am in Herrin, She was born in Herrin, January 8, 1960 in Herrin to Kenneth Kesler and Judy Turner. She is survived by her father, 1 son Brian Kesler of Hurst and 4 grand children, Olivia, Jake, Luke and Emma Chandlay. She ran a day care called Ahoy Mates for several years. She also has 6 siblings, Debbie Aaron, Brenda and Brian Julian, Steve and Cynthia Kesler, Allan and Storme Kesler, Carol Kesler and Gary Kesler. Other survivors include several nieces and nephews and cousins She was preceded in death by 1 sister Rebecca Sue Gibbs and her mother Judy Turner. Per her wishes she was cremated. She will be missed.