Donald W. Throgmorton, aged 84, gracefully departed this world on Saturday, May 18, 2024, following a tragic accident where he was struck by a vehicle. He first graced this world in Goreville, Illinois, a son of William and Rudell (Smith) Throgmorton. Left to cherish his memory are his surviving brother Edward and his devoted wife Doris Throgmorton of Herrin, alongside his sister Leona Thedford of Herrin. Also among those who carry his legacy are three nieces: Cheryl, Valerie Holmes, and Lorna Thedford.
Donald now joins his beloved Wife Haizell in the realm beyond, reuniting with her and preceding members of their cherished family: his parents; sisters Carolyn Brown and Emma Otterson; brothers John, Larry, Bobby Joe, William, and Deon. As services to honor Donald's life are currently pending, let us come together in remembrance of a person whose presence touched the hearts of many. His light will continue to shine through the memories shared by those who were blessed to have known him.